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Cabecera Programa Profesionales


This educational introduction on child sexual abuse helps professionals to know how to prevent, detect and act responsibly when confronted with abuse. It is developed in several fields, such as education, sports and police, among others.

Professionals in the educational field:

"Training to prevent child sexual abuse"

The training is addressed to professionals working in educational centres, so that they learn how to prevent, detect and act in case of child sexual abuse situations.

A theoretical explanation is made, supported with activities and accompanied by a documentary showing the experiences of adults who have been victims of sexual abuse during their childhood.



Understand the reality of child sexual abuse, its incidence rates and effects on individuals and society.
Understand how child sexual abuse occurs.
Develop resources to act responsibly in cases of child sexual abuse.
Existing assistance resources in the Balearic Islands: where to go.

Professionals in the leisure and free time field

It consists of a specific training for the leisure and free time domain, focused on the awareness of professionals and their training to obtain prevention, detection and intervention tools in their roles as instructors, educators or coordinators of non-formal education centres.

We know that leisure and free time is a time in which leisure or recreational activities are carried out and in which we leave our personal obligations aside.

However, it is also a time to foster non-formal education and achieve child sexual abuse prevention from another perspective.



Raise awareness on the child sexual abuse problem.
Training about detecting and intervening by promoting good practices and fostering the creation of internal protocols for action.
Know the referral circuits.

Sports professionals:

"Training to prevent child sexual abuse"

This is a specific training to identify and prevent sexual abuse in sports.

Sports has countless benefits for the child’s optimal development. However, we should be aware that there are also sexual abuse situations in sports. Not acknowledging this reality makes its identification and reporting even more difficult.

This training and informative activity is aimed at providing visibility of this problem, to know its incidence and its main indicators. It also considers offering a reflection space from which to identify the risks that children face and proposing prevention measures aligned with the centre.



Understand how child sexual abuse occurs.
Know their incidence rates and the main indicators.
Become familiar with the protocols and conventions existing in the sports field.
Raise awareness about the importance of an internal protection and reporting policy within the sports facility.

Professionals from other fields:

"Training to prevent child sexual abuse"

This is a specific training for professionals who could face situations of child sexual abuse in their job, such as police offices, health workers, etc.

This learning aims to bring them closer to the child sexual abuse reality, offering them tools to detect and act in these cases.

It provides a theoretical explanation, supported with activities, and is accompanied by a documentary showing some experiences of adults who were victims of sexual abuse in their childhood.



Understand the reality of child sexual abuse, its incidence rates and effects on individuals and society.
Understand how child sexual abuse occurs.
Develop resources to act responsibly in cases of child sexual abuse
Existing assistance resources in the Balearic Islands: where to go.

Future professionals

Specific training on child sexual abuse for students seeking degrees in education and social work degrees, among others.

RANA also offers an internship program for university students.


For further information or if interested in starting this programme, do not hesitate to contact us.